Welcome To
Stephenson Lodge No. 135

Stephenson Lodge No. 135, AF&AM is located in the town of Darlington at 2115 Shuresville Road and is one of five Masonic Lodges located in Harford County, Maryland. Our regular meeting nights are the first and third Wednesdays of each month, from October to May. In June, we meet only on the first Wednesday of that month, and in September, only on the third Wednesday of that month. Members and Guests – Please note that we follow the Harford County Schools in regards to weather open/closed status for meetings. If Harford County Schools are closed, so are we. All Master Masons are welcome to visit during any meeting, Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts can contact our Worshipful Master or Secretary to see which nights they might visit.

Lodge News & Events

Valentine’s Day Dinner -February 19th @ 6:30PM

Valentine’s Day Dinner -February 19th @ 6:30PM


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Regular Meeting Nights

Regular Meeting Nights

We meet on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

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